
Burger King



In Brazil, teenagers who have never kissed on the lips are called "Virgin Lips;" and as soon as they are not "virgin lips" anymore, they want to spread the word and tell everyone.

How we made it work:

By talking to teenagers in their own provocative language. Firstly, we would start a campaign calling them virgin lips for not having ever tried a Whopper. We would then encourage them to take photos of their first Whopper bite, and send them to a hotsite. The best photos would be selected to be part of the very campaign. Other digital tools, with a focus on "spreading the word", would also be available so the teenagers can the let the whole world know they're not virgin lips anymore.



Headline: "Everybody knows: to lose your virginity is more fun if you tell everyone."

Headline: "Everybody knows: to lose your virginity is more fun if you tell everyone."

Idea 1: The Devirginator:Not only can you devirginate your own mouth, but someone else's too. The Devirginator is an interactive tool that you can post on any blog or website. You pick a mouth, interact with their tongue and teeth in many ways, and …

Idea 1: The Devirginator:

Not only can you devirginate your own mouth, but someone else's too. The Devirginator is an interactive tool that you can post on any blog or website. You pick a mouth, interact with their tongue and teeth in many ways, and choose how it will lose their virginity: with a small, medium or big bite

Idea 2: Word of Mouth:The idea was to do mouth to mouth advertising. Literally. We developed a tool where you type a message and a video of a close up mouth is generated. You can choose from many types of mouth (Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, etc.). The…

Idea 2: Word of Mouth:

The idea was to do mouth to mouth advertising. Literally. We developed a tool where you type a message and a video of a close up mouth is generated. You can choose from many types of mouth (Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, etc.). Then you post the video on your Facebook page, where the sexy mouth will tell your friends you're not a "virgin lips" anymore.

Idea 3: Twitter Challenge: A promotion where a well known young Brazilian personality would have to eat a Whopper live if the hashtag #bocavirgem (virgin lips) stayed as a trending topic for a week.

Idea 3: Twitter Challenge:

A promotion where a well known young Brazilian personality would have to eat a Whopper live if the hashtag #bocavirgem (virgin lips) stayed as a trending topic for a week.